
We released Null-Bytes to make the world a better place.

Null-Bytes is currently in version 1.0. If you found vulnerabilies or bugs, please report to codejapoe.gmail.com for further improvements.

Try it for free


pip install nullbytes


Place your username, password, and database-id in 'api' dictionary.

import nullbytes
api = {'username': 'your_username', 'password': 'your_password', 'database-id': 'your_database_id'}

Insert Data

You can use any data-id, and data in 'data' dictionary to insert your data.
Existing data-id will update the data.

data = {'_id': 'any_id', 'data': 'sample'}
nullbytes.insert(api, data)

Search Data

You can use any data-id in 'data' dictionary to search your specific data.

data_id = 'any_id'
nullbytes.search(api, data_id)

Delete Data

You can use any data-id in 'data' dictionary to delete your data.

data_id = 'any_id'
nullbytes.delete(api, data_id)

Fetch Data


Null-Bytes Python API is open-source for developers. Github Repo

Insert Data

POST https://nullbytes.pythonanywhere.com/data/insert
Content-Type: application/json

    api: {
        username: 'your_username',
        password: 'your_password',
        database-id: 'your_database_id'
    }, data: {
        _id: 'any_id',
        data: 'any_data'

Search Data

POST https://nullbytes.pythonanywhere.com/data/search
Content-Type: application/json

    api: {
        username: 'your_username',
        password: 'your_password',
        database-id: 'your_database_id'
    }, _id: 'any_id'

Delete Data

DELETE https://nullbytes.pythonanywhere.com/data/delete
Content-Type: application/json

    api: {
        username: 'your_username',
        password: 'your_password',
        database-id: 'your_database_id'
    }, _id: 'any_id'

Fetch Data

GET https://nullbytes.pythonanywhere.com/data/fetch
Content-Type: application/json

    api: {
        username: 'your_username',
        password: 'your_password',
        database-id: 'your_database_id'